Nothing. In the end that is all we have to show. Nothing is the sum of all parts, nothing is the product of an all-nighter, nothing is what comes out when you put in hours meticulously hand-picking every single word you write. You get the point.

As I re-induct my blog for the umpteenth time, I am going to start off on a healthy note about nothing. Because if I have learned anything in all my years of trying to write, it is that I disagree with myself. A lot. [We] disagree on everything from syntax to voice to taste in font. A deeply moving story idea today feels hackneyed and melodramatic tomorrow. A terse, efficient sentence written today becomes dry later in the week. Today's insight and self-perception is tomorrow's ridicule and what was funny before seems childish and inappropriate now. Every action spurs an opposite reaction, and they negate themselves out to become nothing. Soon enough I may wonder why I bothered to write this post, but even then I will be correct in saying that I contradict myself (and I doubt I am alone) enough so that the grand total sum of everything I say comes out to nothing.
SO, this blog is about nothing and that is the only way it can properly function. Acknowledging the nothingness does wonders, simply because nothing happens more often than we know it. "Seinfeld" is a show about nothing, and everybody loves Seinfeld. Wale's Mixtape about Nothing is sick. And the pundits, the news analysts, the talking heads, who too often either contradict themselves and/or parrot the next guy, are effectively saying nothing even though they are too self-righteous to admit as much or are too blind to notice.
OK so I'm just talking out of my ass now, but here is the point: I'll often avoid writing something for fear of negating something I previously said. But if I admit to frequently contradicting myself and that in the end I am saying nothing, then I will feel free to write
something. And that something will be meaningful, at the very least, in the instant it is written.
something that means
nothing is still better than
nothing at all.
1 comment:
You can be anybody except Swami Vivekananda.
You are a journalist. Hence I wish that you see my observations from Vivekananda's Complete Works.
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