Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm No Political Commentator, But....

When will people realize that the health care overhaul will NOT mean death panels or euthanizations of grandmothers. It won't mean that you'll wait seven years in the waiting room or that some government nerd will deem you "unfit for social production" (or a variation on that).

This isn't 1984, and Obama isn't Big Brother.

And shouting down legimate questions at meetings isn't democratic. Some guy left his gun at a town hall meeting somewhere in the Midwest. Really?

Sorry, I'm done trying to be another boring political blogger. Next up, Bushwick pics!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Medicare Recipients Hate Government Intervention

I saw this link on Krugman. It's elderly people--a.k.a. Medicare recipients--

Do people think Medicare checks fall from the sky?

So even if nobody reads this, I'll just say it for myself: This is my first blogpost in a while, and although I don't have any idea what this blog will be about, it'll be something. I've forgotten how cool writing was.